It was one of those weird, random nights when my spirit was so awake and couldn't sleep. I panicked a bit thinking: Oh no, is depression coming back to haunt me? Then I was reminded that Jesus has already declared victory for my depression and I was just really longing for heaven. It was a bittersweet moment, like Hebrews 11:16 says: Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. It was when my body feels intact to this earth yet my soul yearns to penetrate to be in heaven and in my heart I asked God to show me what's going on in His dwelling place.
"Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one." - Hebrews 11:16
He showed me how there is no scale in heaven, I was either very tiny or very big. There were flowers with the size I could not comprehend. I saw Jesus walking by a wooden bridge but the bridge gradually disappeared as He walked by, He was huge.
He showed me my grandparents who accepted Christ before they passed away. I could sense the warmth from them. I asked God about my other grandparents who did not accept Christ before they passed away, "they are not here, yet." I felt a bit down but somehow was comforted that they will make it to heaven later.
There was no sense of time, I saw some of the items from my childhood floating around and this sense of "missing" something in the past dissolved into eternity.
I saw a BSSM friend who in real life disabled and having trouble to speak but he showed up and said hi to me in a very loud voice. He looked completely healed and well and I was able to recognize him that way.
"But my kingdom is not from the world.” - John 18:36
Heaven may be a strange place for many but in fact, heaven is meant to be our normal dwelling place. The lies of the world have blinded us to think what is "normal". Disease is not normal. Depression is not normal. Infertility is not normal. The world needs faith, the church needs revival. That is what I want to bring, not only a transformation to my own life but also to this world... heaven on earth. Do you believe it?
You are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household." - Ephesians 2:19